Thursday, October 16, 2008

Collaborative Law Works in Britain, Too

A recent article in the American Bar Association Journal provides further support for the use of Collaborative Law in settling disputes. The article quotes a senior British judge (in the London Times) as saying that Collaborative Law is much better than traditional litigation. The growth of Collaborative Law in the last five years, both in Britain and in the U.S., has been phenomenal.

There are many good reasons for the growth. I have previously posted on a variety of reasons why Collaborative Law often works better than litigation for resolving family disputes. If you are about to start a divorce or other family law procedure, you should discuss the possibility of Collaborative Law with your attorney. Be sure you are dealing with an attorney who has at least attended a two-day training on the process, and further experience is valuable. An experienced Collaborative attorney can help you analyze your case to determine if Collaborative Law might work. There are some cases where Collaborative probably won't work out, but in most cases, it's your best choice.

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